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7 Effective Book Marketing Ideas For Self-Published Authors

Top 7 book marketing ideas for self-published authors

You won’t need to worry about marketing if you solely write because you like it. However, if you are self-publishing your book and want it to get into the hands of your potential readers, you will need to master a new skill that is marketing your book. 

Most authors use a book marketing service to manage all aspects of their book’s promotion. Because book promotion requires some early thought and work, this partnership opens doors to expert marketing professionals for them and helps authors set realistic goals from the start.

Marketing for authors attracts their target audience by giving additional information about them and their books. Communication is all it takes, and the book marketing services will be excellent. If you want to take on this task, keep in mind that it will need a lot of effort and dedication. 

In this blog, I will discuss several book promotion techniques that can help you increase your book’s visibility and sales among your target audience.

Some of the other marketing strategies listed here may seem redundant; nevertheless, remember your objectives and apply the same professionalism to your book marketing strategy as you would to your writing.

Develop Your Author Website Or Blog Page

Book marketing ideas for self-published writers

Even before you complete writing your book, you can help your potential readers discover you.

Optimize your website with content that will appear in search results for prospective readers. For example, if your book genre is self-help, include the most recent scientific advancements in the subject and combine them with quotes from your book.

Moreover, if your book is fictional, you can feature a review of some of the genre’s most popular books or prominent characters. As the release date comes nearby, you can use competitions and giveaways to provoke your reader’s interest in your book. Post good content that will entice your audience to subscribe for updates.

If you have a year before your book’s release date, you will have plenty of time to establish an extensive email list and boost your site’s reputation.

Build An Active Online Presence

There are a variety of techniques to improve your online visibility. For example, you can submit your articles to prominent guest posting websites with massive online traffic or participate in forums that debate issues relating to your book.

In addition, because they have access to various platforms and forums where your target audience is likely to be located, a book marketing service can significantly help you spread the word about your book. 

Also, remember to add a redirect link to your website and any books you have published or are working on in your byline.

Make The Most Out Of Social Media

Social media platforms: MoneySource

You are good to go if you are familiar with the major social media platforms. However, if you lack sufficient abilities, employing a book marketing service is strongly advised since social media is an important marketing instrument whose importance cannot be overstated.

Create a Facebook author profile as well as a Twitter. Examine which promotional method receives the most likes, comments, and shares. Use that information to grow your social media fanbase and better interact with your target audience.

Gather Inspirations From The Best Books In Your Category

Go through their titles, book covers, and typesetting will help you determine what works best in your category. Make a list of the ones you like best or don’t like at all, and consider why you came to that conclusion.

The advantages of studying the finest books are numerous. You will notice terms and phrases that resonate with and describe your target audience as you read reviews. You can also help your prospects find your book through the search queries by providing these in descriptions for your book’s metadata.

Gather Constructive Reviews For Your Book

Approaching reviewers of your recent books with a complimentary copy and a courteous request is one of the easiest methods to generate reviews for your new book. However, if you are a new author, search for Amazon’s top critics and make a list of those who have written about books in your genre.

Remember, Amazon does not allow users to review books that are not published yet. So, if you have a paperback edition of your book and have connected it to your unpublished eBook, any reviews left for the paperback will be carried over to the eBook.

With this approach, your book will have social validation from the moment it is released. You should also request editorial reviews from prominent book blogs, well-known writers in your category, and newspapers.

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Create A Captivating Book Blurb

A book blurb is a 100–200 words promotional statement for a book that can be found on the back of print books as well as online book platforms.

Begin your blurb with a thoughtful introductory sentence that piques the reader’s interest and makes them want to read more. Depending on your book’s genre, follow up with a clue about your storyline, characters, or the central theme, using enticing adjectives like wonderful, incredible, mysterious, or powerful. 

The conclusion should enthrall your reader. For example, you can present a story’s crux or defining moment in fiction and say why and who should read the book in nonfiction. Also, include editorial reviews in the blurb if your book has gotten any.

Hire A Professional Book Cover Designer

Would anybody give a book whose cover is excessively cluttered, has clashing colors and typography, or appears unpolished and amateurish a second look? A professional book cover design service can help you create a well-designed cover that will increase the salability of your book.

Sign-Up For Renowned Distribution Networks

Amazon is the world’s largest retailer of books, as well as the owner of two self-publishing services: CreateSpace for print books and Kindle Direct Publishing for eBooks.

You will cover the channels that account for 90% of eBook sales if you include Amazon’s KDP, Barnes & Noble’s, and Apple’s iBooks in your distribution plan. Small stores make up a small percentage of revenues, but they help to raise visibility.


A book marketing plan is of minimal value for writers who work with a traditional publishing house. The publishing house will handle all book promotion and distribution aspects, including editorial reviews, signing events, book launches, newspaper articles, and bookstore placement. 

On the other hand, self-publishing authors must sort out these issues for themselves, relying on as much assistance and inspiration as possible.

However, the majority of self-published writers employ book marketing services because it gives them access to a team of expert marketing professionals who can help their books achieve the attention they deserve.

This article isn’t meant to be a comprehensive collection of book promotion ideas. Instead, it is intended to enable you to understand that marketing is essential for your book and that making it available on a variety of platforms is beneficial for its success.

As you begin to use the book marketing advice provided here, you will discover a plethora of additional ways to promote your book and reach a larger audience. Something will lead to something else. The important thing is to get started. Good luck with your marketing!

Karim Twin

Hello! I am Karim Twin. Blogger and affiliate marketer. "Success is just some steps ahead if you're only patient, committed and persistent" Best regards!