How to Make Money on Medium in 2024

Looking to learn how to make money on Medium in 2024?

If you’re nodding your head with a big yes, then you’re welcome to read this free guide.

Making money online has its charm. Many ways are being used to make money online.

And blogging is one of the best online business ideas to start with. One of these ways is ‘writing or blogging online’.

If you are also an aspiring blogger or writer and are looking for a platform to make money by writing about what you’re passionate about or interested in, then you should consider Medium for this purpose.

Do you want to publish your work with your name and also earn money from it?

If so then we are here to tell you something amazing that will help you a lot. Keep reading!

In today’s blog post, we share with you a step-by-step guide about how to make money on Medium from your writing.

So let us dive into the topic together and learn some amazing things about different opportunities by which you can make money on Medium.

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How to Make Money on Medium

How to make money on Medium for 2024
Image source: Pixabay

Some of the best ways to make money on Medium are:

1. Medium partner program

2. Writing contests

3. Affiliate marketing

Read on to learn more opportunities to earn money on Medium.

make money on medium by writing
Start writing on Medium and make over $1000 a month!

What is Medium?

It is a blogging platform that allows anyone to post on it and earn after fulfilling some basic requirements.

However, whenever someone who holds the medium membership claps for your content, you get a percentage of their monthly subscription fee. So, the more the claps, the more the money!

You do not need to purchase a domain, invest, or make your blog rather you can straight away write your content and earn money on Medium.

Managing the blog, bringing audience and other matters like advertising your content is all the responsibility of the Medium Platform Team.

Medium is an American platform that has been working since 2012. It acts as a medium that has millions of freelance writers and many publishers.

You do not need to prove yourself before joining the Medium platform because your work will speak for itself and the views you get will witness your efficiency.

You do not need to be a master of a specific niche rather you can write on whatever you want.

Although many paid publishers are also working on Medium according to the latest policy of Medium, the ones who are working independently will now be of more benefit.

Benefits of blogging on Medium

Just before telling you about how to make money on Medium, it is very important to find out why you should choose Medium as a source of making money or you can say what the benefits of writing online on Medium are.

So let us discuss some of the major benefits of publishing your content on Medium.

  1. You can have an immediate audience and do not need to wait for a longer time for people to view your content.
  2. Several readers can easily be reached through Medium.
  3. Medium has set its algorithms in such a way that readers can easily access your content without much effort.
  4. Anyone can easily join Medium.
  5. You don’t need to be a professional of SEO, because there is no effort required for ranking your content among others so that more readers can reach it.
  6. Niches are easy to choose and you will easily rank in the niches which are commonly difficult to handle and have higher competition.
  7. You can even write personal stories, general essays, or poems. This means you can write anything you want to.

How Does Medium Pay Its Writers?

The Medium platform uses as the gateway of payment for their writers. Stripe is one of the most trusted online money transaction websites just like PayPal.

However, there is one big setback for Stripe. The setback is that Stripe is not supported in many countries.

It is only available in 46 countries, which results in ineligibility for signing up for the Medium Partner Program if you belong to one of these countries.

  • Germany
  • Pakistan
  • Panama
  • Bangladesh
  • Afghanistan
  • Saudi Arabia
  • North Korea
  • Indonesia
  • Nigeria
  • Russia
  • Turkey
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Sudan
  • and many more.

Ways to Earn Money on Medium

As we know there are several benefits to writing on Medium. Thus we are now moving a step forward in learning how to make money on Medium.

We are now going to explore some of the common and most recommended ways how to earn a good amount of money on Medium.

Some of the main ways to earn money on Medium include medium partner programs, affiliate marketing, and various other opportunities.

Let us now discuss the details of these programs to help us understand them better.

1. Medium Partner Program 

How to earn money on medium
Join the Medium partner program and get access to all the great content on the Medium platform.

Medium partner program is the easiest way used by most writers to make money with Medium.

It works simply when a writer publishes his content on Medium; the Medium members can read it, and eventually, if they like it and clap for it, you receive a percentage of the monthly or yearly subscription fee paid by them.

This program was launched in 2017 and it is still serving both the readers and writers. When a reader subscribes to the Medium platform, he has to choose a plan to access unlimited content.

Without having the membership plan, one can only have access to a few free reads monthly.

But by buying the monthly or yearly subscription, a reader will have unlimited great articles to read and learn from. Truly, the Partner Program is an amazing way to make money writing on Medium.

It is better to take the monthly subscription of $5 to have access to all the best content on the site or you can even go ahead and choose the yearly subscription of $50 which is a 10% discount.

2. More Opportunities For Money

You must be very delighted to hear that Medium offers special bonuses to its writers at specific times of the year. This will help you not just make money on Medium but also get other benefits from Medium.

Together with this, Medium cares for its writers; therefore, it keeps on adding different opportunities so that writers who work hard to make an earning with their passion can have more benefits.

For example, a newly added opportunity by Medium targets those writers who successfully make an earning of almost 200 dollars per month.

Medium offers a fellowship to such writers which helps them earn even more.

2.1 Medium Referred Memberships

We all know how much Medium writers like cultivating a loyal following of readers who want to hear from them.

Knowing this, Medium made it possible for writers to connect with their fan base and create a more stable passive income stream.

Here’s how it works with Referred Membership

A Partner Program writer will receive half of a reader’s membership price, net of regular payment processor fees, for any reader who becomes a paid Medium member as a result of their efforts.

Referral earnings are a great strategy to make money on Medium. It will continue to accrue as long as the reader’s membership plan is active, and they will be in addition to Partner Program earnings based on member read time.

2.1 Medium Writing Contests

make money on by writing contest
Enter Medium’s writing contests to get your stories on the top of Medium’s feed.

Medium also manages to organize certain contests among writers to boost their confidence and fame together with a better future to earn money. So it’s a motivating way to make money on Medium

The ones who manage to win the contests earn huge prize money that not only increases their earning but also their names get featured on Medium.

Medium also pays for converting a non-subscriber to a subscriber. Particularly if your content provokes a reader to purchase a membership of Medium, then it will surely be also beneficial for you.

Medium Writing contests can be a great way to earn money on Medium.

2.1 Earn with Affiliate Marketing

Make money on Medium through affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing advertising tools.

Another way that can be used by writers to make money on Medium is affiliate marketing.

Medium allows a writer to use specific affiliate links obviously if you follow the specific rules and restrictions that are compulsory for a writer to earn through affiliate marketing.

This acts as a side income for a writer because sometimes you may not be earning enough through just writing on Medium.

After all, unless your content is read by a paid member you will have no earnings.

But using affiliate links, and having an appropriate knowledge of SEO you can earn even more by the commission you will get through the traffic that uses those links.

2.3 More Ways to Monetize Your Writings

The more you will have reader-attracting content, the more opportunities will open for you.

When you have a high reader following then there are chances that brands and companies contact you for advertising and sponsored posts for various brands and businesses.

Some writers who do not have a higher following may also contact you for their content promotion so that they can have more and more readers.

Secondly, if a writer engages his audience efficiently, and has a huge following he can have the opportunity to add a call-to-action option at the end of his content.

This will help the writer to bring the audience to his website or email address.

This is a huge opportunity because a writer can create his blog site separately and use the audience from the Medium platform to his site.

In this way, the effort done by a writer on Medium will not only pay in the form of money but also the form of an audience.

But honestly, the best way to make money with Medium is just to write great content and win people with the quality of it. The better you write, the more money you will make.

Cons to Write on Medium

One of the major drawbacks to Medium is that if a non-subscriber views your content you will have no benefit from it.

So if your content somehow ranks on Google, it will not be of any benefit to you until the reader of your content is a paid subscriber of the platform because that’s the only way you will make money writing on Medium.

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How to Succeed on Medium

How to make money on medium in 2024
Make your way up to the best and top writers on the site.

If you want to make money on Medium, you need to put in some extra time and effort.

Medium offers a lot of opportunities but without effort, you will get no benefit out of these opportunities.

So we are going to tell you about some of the things that you must apply if you want to earn money on Medium.

  • Study Medium

One of the very important steps if you want to earn money on Medium, is that you know every bit of Medium.

Try to find out every opportunity, competition, bonus, and any other thing on Medium so that you can put an effort into avail these opportunities.

Medium has a habit of putting new offers and opportunities for its writers therefore you must know about them.

Together with this, you must learn about the working and policies of Medium to avoid any misunderstandings.

  • Choose your Niche

There is no doubt that you can write on anything you want, but if you choose a particular niche, it will be more beneficial.

Choosing a niche will help your readers decide whether to stick with you or not, because if you write on a niche that is popular among people then you have a chance of getting more and more audience.

  • Impress the Curators 

You must be wondering who the hell they are Curators. It is a team set by Medium that checks for the quality of content.

You must find ways to impress the curation team because they aim at providing quality content to the Medium readers.

And if your content gets approval from the curation feature and is distributed by them then you have no boundaries over success.

  • Maintain Consistency

If you are not consistent and patient then nothing will work for you. You must manage your timing and days of publications.

Because if you fix your timings and intervals between each publication, then it will create a positive effect on your audience.

Your readers will be waiting for your next publication when you will do so.

Closing Thoughts

If you are a new writer and searching for a platform where you can earn money by writing whatever you want, then Medium is our #1 recommendation for you.

On Medium, you don’t care about technical or marketing stuff. Just keep creating high-quality content and the Medium team will do the other tasks.

With free sign-up using your email, you can easily get your blogging career started and that’s the first important step on how to make money on Medium for 2024.

There are people out there who are making more than $10,000 in a single month of writing stories on medium and you can do the same.

Just be patient and publish quality content every single day.

The main thing is to create an audience and that can only happen when your content has enough takeaways for your reader to care about it.

So, just have patience and keep putting in the work and time that is required and soon you will begin to notice the crazy amount of views that you will be getting.

Now, you have enough knowledge about how you can earn money on Medium by publishing engaging stories, so good luck in your writing career!

Congratulations! You’ve read an entire blog post of 2300 words.

Are you an experienced writer on Medium?

Do you think we have missed something about any other ways to make money on Medium?

Do know any similar platform like Medium based on your experience?