How to Double the Range of Your Wireless Routers in 10 Easy Steps

Although wireless routers allow you to enjoy Internet access throughout your home or business, they aren’t always able to cover every part of the building.

This tutorial will teach you how to double the range of your wireless router, increasing the reach of your Wi-Fi signal throughout your entire building.

10 Steps to Double The Range of Wireless Router 

How to double the range of wireless router


The following 10 steps should take you about 15 minutes and require no special tools or expensive add-ons. If you follow these instructions carefully, you’ll soon be enjoying fast Internet speeds from even the most remote rooms in your office or home!

1) Buy a Longer Cable

One of the easiest ways to increase the range of your wireless router is to simply buy a longer Ethernet cable. The standard length for Ethernet cables is about 15 feet, but you can find them up to 100 feet long.

Just make sure you get a good quality cable so it doesn’t degrade the signal too much. You may also want to consider purchasing an active power line adapter and networking gear with a powerline technology, which transfers data over electrical lines.

2) Use Two Routers with One Antenna

Another of doubling the range of your wireless router is to use two routers with one antenna. By using two routers, you can increase the signal strength and range without having to invest in a more powerful router. Plus, this method is easy to set up and does not require any special equipment. Here are the steps:

  1. Place one router in your home or office where you want to have internet access.
  2. Connect the second router to the first router using an Ethernet cable.
  3. Configure the second router as an access point.
  4. Set up Wi-Fi on both routers using the same SSID and password.
  5. Place the second router in a central location.

3) Get Rid of Obstacles Between Antennas

The first thing you need to do is identify any obstacles between your router and where you want to extend your signal. This could be anything from walls to metal filing cabinets. Once you know what’s causing the interference, you can take steps to remove it.

For example, if there are walls in the way, you could try moving your router to a different location. If metal objects are causing the problem, try putting them in a different room or rearranging them so they’re not between the router and where you want the signal to reach.

4) Move Router Closer to the Source

A city integrated with multiple wireless routers

One way to immediately increase the range of your wireless router is to move it closer to the source. If it’s currently in a corner of your home, try moving it closer to the center. If it’s on the floor, try placing it on a high shelf. You might be surprised at how much of a difference this can make.

5) Turn On Power Saving Mode on Smart Devices

One way to save power and increase your router’s range is to put your smart devices on power-saving mode. Most devices have this option in their settings, and it can help conserve battery life without sacrificing too much performance.

To do this, simply go into the settings of each device and look for the power-saving mode option. Once you’ve found it, turn it on and enjoy the extra battery life!

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6) Add Extension Cords or Power Strips

If your router is near the edge of your home or office and you can’t move it, try adding an extension cord or power strip. This will give you some extra length to work with and might be all you need to get a better signal.

Just make sure not to put the router too close to the edge of the power strip or extension cord. The closer it is, the more likely it is that someone will accidentally unplug it.

Another benefit of using a power strip or extension cord is that you can plug in other devices that might be interfering with your router’s signal. Things like microwaves and cordless phones can cause problems, so moving them away from your router can sometimes help.

7) Place Outlet Routers Near Walls/Walls Near Outlets

If your router is too far from an outlet, it won’t be able to draw enough power to function properly. Try moving it closer to an outlet (or using a longer power cord) if possible. If you have your router placed near a window, there’s a good chance that signal is leaking out and being wasted.

Move it closer to the center of your home instead. Walls can be great obstacles for wireless signals, so try to place your router in an open area if possible.

8) Adjust Signal Strength Setting on Router

If you want to extend the range of your wireless router, there are a few things you can do. One is to adjust the signal strength setting on your router. Most routers have a web-based interface that you can access by typing into your browser’s address bar.

Once you’re logged in, look for a setting that says signal strength or transmit power. If it’s set to automatic, change it to 100%.

9) Use Additional Antennas for Range Extenders

How to double range of wireless router

One way to double the range of your wireless router is to use additional antennas for range extenders. By adding more antennas, you can extend the range of your router and improve its performance. Here are easy steps to follow

  • Place a few antenna near the dead zone that you want to cover.
  • Connect an antenna on one side of the dead zone and an antenna on the other side of it with a wire or string.
  • Point each antenna at each other, so they have line-of-sight from one another.
  •  Turn on both antennas by plugging them into power outlets using power strips or extension cords that have surge protectors built in. Make sure you put the antennas close enough together to maintain a good connection between them.
  • If necessary, add some new routers or repeaters in between each antenna to boost signal strength along the wire path. Repeat this process for any other dead zones you want to cover.

10) Keep Windows and Doors Closed

One of the easiest ways to double the range of your wireless router is to keep windows and doors closed. This will help keep the signal from escaping your home and will also help reduce interference from outside sources.

While walls will reduce your router’s range a bit, it isn’t as big a deal as you might think. The biggest impact on your range will come from wireless interference, which is caused by other wireless devices that emit radio waves near your router. Things like microwaves and cordless phones can cause interference.

Try to keep these things at least five feet away from your router. Additionally, if you are using older models of computers and mobile devices, they may cause significant interference that can mess with both your connection speed and coverage area.

Final Word

In conclusion, there are a variety of ways that you can double the range of your wireless router. By following some or all of the tips above, you can be sure to enjoy a stronger and more reliable signal in your home or office.

With a little bit of effort, you can ensure that your router keeps you connected even when you’re far from the router itself.