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9 Best Animation Industry Jobs Coming Ahead in 2023

The animation industry is one of the most profitable business industries in the media and entertainment sector. Studies show that people attention rates are shrinking. As a result, people feel bored and resistant to read little bit longer texts.

Technology is changing human lives completely and it seems everything is going rapid— especially the world population numbers. And to capture this high potential of human attention, visual and short-form content is must in the next decade.

Like the gaming industry, the animation sector has new job opportunities for animation lovers and passionate professionals.

The animation industry jobs have a great potential to make a significant living— especially as a freelancer.

In this blog post, we will share with some facts, trends and problems regarding animation industry jobs.

Degrees in animation industry prepare students for careers in the entertainment industry, art and design, advertising, and other industries that need multimedia artists.

Although, to be precise, the opportunities depend on the work they are producing and the education level as well. Many employers require a minimum of a bachelor’s or a diploma.

For placing oneself into this industry, an aspiring animator should start building and developing their portfolios.

The best way to succeed in this competitive industry is to gain experience early. Interested people are hungry these days to make a career in animation.

What is Animation Industry?

Animation is a broad term used for any form of art that includes the use of animated images and videos.

For many people, animation is synonymous with cartoons. But animation is used to tell stories in every medium, including films, television, video games, and advertising.

Animation industry has been around for a long time. It was first developed in the early 1900s as a way to bring drawings to life on film.

With the invention of computer-generated imagery (CGI), animators have been able to create more realistic looking animations that can be used in movies or video games.

When animation industry began, it utilized crude drawings to tell stories. All top animation studios used this method to create content for cartoon shows and movies.

What is the best job in animation industry?

Animation is a popular career choice for many people. It offers a wide range of opportunities, from being an animator to a voice actor.

Here’s one of the best jobs in animation industry.

Mathematical Modeler

Mathematical modelers are among the most specialized members of the animation industry.

They create, modify, and implement 3D animations that provide insights into various phenomena using software technology and mathematical modeling skills.

The models primarily illustrate processes or aid in the resolution of complex problems.

An advanced degree in mathematics with certification or a degree in animation is required for this position. To excel in your career, you should also have excellent attention to detail and organizational skills.

In the United States, the average annual salary for mathematical modelers is $91,643. Top earners can earn up to $111,000 per year.

Animation Industry Problems 

The animation work world is one of the hardest Industries to work on. Although the Industry has started booming recently, the negative sides of it are undeniable.

Here are an overview of major animation industry problems:

  • Diret health issues
  • Low pay rates
  • Overwork
  • Increase in demand
  • Short schedules
  • Indirect health symptoms

How big is the animation industry?

Today, the industry for cartoon movies and shows is valued at USD 264 billion. Most of the segments of this animation industry are recording an upscaling growth of 2-3%.

However, if we talk about the salary prospects then, it depends on a few factors. For instance: Degree, job type, and professional experience.

As per BLS reports, 71,600 jobs exist for artists and animators in this field of multimedia.

Additionally, the industry is also projected to add about 3,000 new openings from the year 2018-to 2028.

There is a growing number of students pursuing animation industry as an occupation, so it is a competitive field.

Even though the salaries in the West Coast and Northeast regions of the U.S. are typically higher, job opportunities are not limited to one area.

Nowadays, Animation is termed as one of the sorts after career options.

If we talk about India, as per the EY-FICCI report, the segment of animation is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 34.6%.

By the next three years, it would be worth $129 billion due to the high demand of the animation industry.

Animation industry jobs
Source : Pixabay

Animation Industry Trends 

There are many upcoming trends and technologies which will help to escalate the animation industry. Learn more…

With the advent of AR/ VR/AI and others which have become a very handy tool for the animation companies :

  • Augmented Reality (AR)

As a popular and comparatively inexpensive alternative to Virtual Reality (VR), AR is growing in popularity. It has a VR-like focus and interface.

If you want to put it simply, In other words, it is a better version of the real world. AR’s high accessibility and interactivity make it especially useful for designing characters, environments, and games.

In addition, A variety of tools give assistance to the animator to create the sensory effects and visual elements, giving users a close-to-reality experience when watching animated content.

For example, the popular game Pokémon Go, the game was developed at its core with the assistance of this system. Which helped the gamers to catch those roaming creatures in their real environment.

  • The Glorious era of VFX and 3D

Firstly, Have you seen the wonderful movie, Life of Pi? Do you know it wasn’t a real one? Although it seemed very real to the audience.

All these kinds of wonderful animation are born with the help of 3D and VFX techniques.

Animation companies are employing these tools to create relatable characters that move, engage, and are versatile.

Basically, Interactive and direct tools enhance the viewer experience by making it interactive and direct. The new-age audience enjoys fast-moving, dynamic, and versatile characters.

These days with the assistance of VFX and 3D animation the storylines of the movies and cartoon shows are becoming more and more realistic.

Therefore, these two innovative tools are acting as a bridge between the actual and the animated world.

  • Data-oriented infographics

Nowadays, data is more important than ever. Consumers do not just want a block of information, rather they want data that is simple to interpret and understand.

Infographics can help producers simplify complex concepts into easily digestible chunks of information.

According to a report, retention and learning are improved by 400% when visuals are used to transmit information. Animators are using this format to spread awareness.

Aside from animators, many marketers are also using infographics to woo their audiences. They use them to teach children certain habits like brushing their teeth twice a day.

In conclusion, people tend to be more inclined to distinctive, unique, and captivating content as opposed to a black and white post laden with facts and figures.

New animation industry jobs for 2023
Source: Pixabay

Animation industry Jobs Coming Ahead 

There are several 3D animation courses available where an individual’s dream to become a successful animator can be fulfilled.

However, there are various job roles which are available in this animation sector:

  • Modeler

These people should have proper and strong knowledge of volume, anatomy, and form. They are having a specialization in making models for animation.

  • Character Animator

A traditional animator knows traditional animation and stop-motion animation and is able to bring characters to life.

  • In between Animator

They have a beginner’s position in the animation industry. In this job role, one can learn all the practical experiences and basics of animation.

  • 2D Animator

The drawings define each animation sequence by creating a large volume of separate drawings. 2D animation jobs are in high demand.

  • 3D animator

By organizing the keyframes in a way that makes the model appear lifelike and in motion, you can give the sculpted, textured, and rigged 3-D model life.

  • Rigging Artist

Assemble a skeletal system or joints for the modeled, textured 3-D character, or any 3-D object, this helps the 3-D character talk or move smoothly and accurately.

  • Layout Artist

They have their specializations in creating designs for the background of the animation. They have to decide the camera angles and lighting.

  • Texture artist

They have to create the surface of the 3D character/ object/ environment.

  • Key Frame animator

They have to create the movement of the animation from the beginning till the end.

How to Get Into The Animation Industry?

Animation is a large and thriving industry. There are many different types of animation and each one has its own set of skills that one must master. Animation is an art form, which requires discipline and creativity.

The animation industry is booming with new opportunities on the horizon. Animators are in demand to work in the film, television, and video game industries as well as advertising agencies and other media outlets.

Animation has always been a popular medium for storytelling. It is a visual art form that consists of creating images, and often sound, to tell a story.

There are many different types of animation but most people associate it with cartoons. There are many opportunities in the industry and it is not as difficult to get into as one might think.

Animation industry has been around for a while now, and the demand for animators is increasing. It is one of the most promising industries in today’s world.

But how do you get into animation industry?

To start with, you need to know about animation. You can get a degree in animation or study it as a hobby.

There are also many online courses to study animation from the comfort of your home. Once you know about animation, all you have to do is find an animation school nearby and apply for admission.

Once admitted there are few steps to take:

  • Take care of your portfolio
  • Do internships
  • Get professional training
  • Apply for animation jobs


This animation industry holds a plethora of opportunities for young creative minds. This sector needs a great amount of manpower.

Those who are interested in this sector can search for the best animation courses to fulfill their dreams of becoming successful animators.

If you’re excited and passionate about the animation industry, start learning animation by taking animation courses and building a glorious career.

Karim Twin

Hello! I am Karim Twin. Blogger and affiliate marketer. "Success is just some steps ahead if you're only patient, committed and persistent" Best regards!